There was a Roman centurion named Longinus who's duty station was in Jerusalem, and he was in command of the centurions who took people to be crucified. Longinus was nearly blind from an injury he sustained in combat some years earlier. One day his detail took two thieves and a man who Pontius Pilate said was “King of the Jews” to Golgotha and crucified them. Longinus stood passively and watched as his men cast lots and as thunderclouds appeared out of nowhere. When the man from Nazareth died, the earth shook and rocks split. To fulfill his duties and be certain of death, Longinus thrust his spear into Jesus’ side, and a spray of blood hit his eyes and miraculously he could see. Awestruck, Longinus cried out, “Indeed, this was the Son of God!”
The Sanhedrin tried to bribe St. Longinus to say the apostles came and stole Christ’s body, but he refused. He left the army, was instructed by the apostles, and began to make converts before he was arrested and executed by Pontius Pilate. St. Longinus died for being a man of integrity. Today, pray to the Holy Spirit to give you the gift of Fortitude, that you may grow in the virtue of integrity.