Born into a family of Italian nobles in the 11th Century, Gerard grew up a man of piety and high culture. After moving to Potenza, he saw a need for apostolic work and began to preach. His austere lifestyle, works of charity, and passioned preaching made him beloved by the people of the town, and when the bishop died, the town’s clergy and the people elected him to be their new bishop. Gerard was humbled by this appointment, and he became more diligent and virtuous. Several miracles were attributed to him, including restoring a man’s sight, bringing a young boy back to life, and changing water into wine. He held his see for eight years, until he died in 1118 of natural causes.
St. Gerard of Potenza didn’t move to a new town looking to preach the gospel, but when he saw a need he felt a calling to use the gifts God had given him to fulfill the need. You are alive right now and given certain gifts by your Creator because you are needed, today, to do work for him in his vineyard. Look around you. What needs to be done? How has God equipped you to do the work? Will you answer his call?