Born to a Spanish nobleman in 1230, Maria de Cervellón was baptized a week after her birth on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and from an early age she felt drawn toward religious life. Her family arranged several marriages for her, but she refused every one. Maria devoted herself to prayer and serving the sick, poor, and ransomed prisoners at St. Eulalia Hospital. One day she heard a passionate homily by the superior of the Mercedarians and she decided right then to help the efforts of the order in ransoming prisoners of the Turks. Maria was given the grace of bilocation, and she was seen on several occasions by sailors on redemption ships guiding them through stormy seas, both before and after her death.
St. Maria de Cervellón helped found the Mercedarian Third Order for women, and served as its superior. Today the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament visit prisoners and the sick, and they also teach. The order has about 680 sisters around the world, and the order is growing. Today visit their website at and help them in their vocation.