In 1603, St. Joseph of Cupertino was born in a stable in Italy after his recently widowed mother was kicked out of their home by creditors. Around the age of 7, Joseph began having mystical visions and ecstasies that left him staring off into space, and he became the subject of ridicule by other children. Joseph performed poorly at school, but whenever a church bell would ring or he would hear anything related to God, he would go into ecstasy. Not even being poked with needles or touched with the flame of a candle could bring him out of his ecstasies. He joined the Capuchins, was ordained at 25, and the ecstasies continued. As a monk he was obedient and penitent, and kept seven Lents of 40 days every year while wearing chains and only eating twice a week.
St. Joseph of Cupertino’s heart was so drawn to God that on at least 70 occasions he levitated in public while in ecstasy, and people came to witness “the flying monk”. To prevent disruptions, the last 35 years of his life he could no longer celebrate Mass in public. Today, go to Eucharistic adoration, and let your heart be lifted to God.