One day in Italy, Mr. & Mrs. Gurutti, a poor childless couple, made a pilgrimage to a shrine to St. Nicholas and prayed for a child through his intercession, and around 1245 their prayer was granted. They named the boy Nicholas, who quickly exhibited signs of saintliness, and he became an Augustinian as soon as he was old enough. Nicholas was ordained in 1271, and when celebrating Mass at times he seemed to glow. His golden preaching converted many, and his tender zeal for souls made him a sought-after confessor. He also performed hundreds of miracles, including resurrecting children from the dead. After each miracle he would always say, “Tell no one. Give thanks to God, not to me. I am only a vessel of clay, a poor sinner.”
St. Nicholas of Tolentino was known for fasting and praying, especially for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and he had several mystical experiences where he spoke with souls confined there who asked him to celebrate the Eucharist for them so they could be set free by the power of Christ. Today, contact your parish and have Masses said for deceased members of your family.