Born in the early 7th Century in Ireland, St. Fiacre was raised in a monastery, where he learned the faith as well as the medicinal use of various herbs. As Fiacre’s piety became more well-known, people flocked to him for spiritual advice. Seeking the solitary life of a penitential hermit, he set sail for France where the local bishop agreed to give him as much land as he could clear in a day. Ficare simply dragged the point of a shovel behind him as he walked and miraculously trees toppled and brush was uprooted as he outlined the land he wanted. Fiacre built a hermitage and oratory dedicated to the Blessed Mother, planted an orchard and massive garden, and he was soon once again surrounded by pilgrims seeking physical and spiritual healing.
St. Fiacre was known for his miraculous cures, and his simple hermitage expanded into a monastery that was well-known for its bountiful garden that fed the hungry and the pilgrims alike. Today, pick a spot and clear some ground in your yard or a space on your windowsill for a “St. Fiacre's garden” and plan to start it next spring. Be sure to share anything extra that it produces. If you’re so inclined, pick up a book on herbal medicine too.
Windowsill Herb Garden (kit)