Born around the year 225 in Spain, St. Lawrence became an archdeacon of Rome and was put in charge of distributing alms to the poor. When the Roman Emperor Valerian ordered the pope and six deacons martyred, St. Lawrence knew he would be next. The prefect of Rome summoned him and said, “You Christians have cups and lampstands of gold, but your doctrine says to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Bring to me the treasures of the Church and you will live.” St. Lawrence said he needed time to gather everything, then he went sold everything the Church had—even the vessels of the altar—and gave all the money to the poor. When summoned again, St. Lawrence arrived with the lame and poor, pointed to them and said, “Behold the treasures of the Church!”
The prefect martyred St. Lawrence by roasting him alive on an iron grate. Legend says that after a while, St. Lawrence cried out, “I’m well done on this side, turn me over!” Today, give to the poor by donating to your local St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Then celebrate St. Lawrence—the patron saint of the poor, cooks, and comedians—with a meal of barbeque or grilled food.