Francisco Bandrés Sánchez was born in Spain in 1896. When he was 17 he joined the Salesians of Don Bosco, and was ordained at the age of 26. He had several assignments in parish schools in Barcelona, Mataro, and Sarria. In addition to his pastoral duties, he used his musical talents to serve as a musical director. When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, he used school resources to get as many students and other Salesian brothers as possible away from danger and to areas of safety. Francisco was arrested by the Unified Marxist Workers Party for the crime of being a priest and running a Catholic school. They took him to their headquarters in Barcelona where they tortured him until he won the crown of martyrdom.
Blessed Francisco Bandrés Sánchez fearlessly stayed at his parish and school and served to the end as a shepherd who was willing to lay down his life for his sheep. Today, pick a parish school near you. Call and talk to the pastor, and thank him for his efforts to maintain the school despite all the challenges. If you're financially able, make a donation to the school's scholarship or endowment fund.