We're not sure exactly when St. Peter Chrysologus was born, but we do know it was sometime in the late fourth or early fifth century in Italy. After converting to Christianity as an adult, he became a deacon, then a priest, then a monk. When the archbishop died in 430, young Peter was appointed in his place. He was known for his fierce loyalty to the teachings and authority of the Church, and for his passion and excitement when preaching. He fought several heresies and pagan practices in his diocese, and his primary tool was a short sermon that powerfully delivered the Gospel message and Church teaching and challenged all who heard them. St. Peter Chrysologus died in the year 450, and his 176 surviving homilies earned him the title Doctor of the Church.
The title "Chrysologus" means "golden speech", and the golden speech of St. Peter Chrysologus gives us today's challenge: "Anyone who wishes to frolic with the devil cannot rejoice with Christ." Today, take an inventory of your life... how are you frolicking with the devil? Whether it's a bad habit, bad company, or bad entertainment, resolve today to change your ways.
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