Nazareth was a town of lower Galilee, and only a short distance from Mount Carmel. It was here that the grandparents of Jesus lived, Saints Anne and Joachim. According to St. Augustine, St. Anne was a Levite and St. Joachim was a descendant of David, so their marriage was the union of royal and priestly Jewish families, but in their elder years they were still without a child, something Jews saw as a chastisement from God for living sinful lives. Despite being righteous in the eyes of God, the Jews barred them from entering the temple because of their perceived sinfulness. Anne and Joachim turned their sorrow to God, and they were soon blessed with a daughter who would become the Mother of God.
St. John Damascene said, “Anne was to be the mother of the Virgin Mother of God, and hence nature did not dare to anticipate the flowering of grace. Thus nature remained sterile, until grace produced its fruit.” What in your nature is sterile? Maybe it's something physical, or emotional, or spiritual. Now pray to God to give you the graces necessary to product good fruit.
The story of Ss. Anne and Joachim are not found in Scripture, but they are part of Sacred Tradition, and are recorded in the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) states:
It purports to have been written by "James the brother of the Lord", i.e. the Apostle James the Less. It is based on the canonical Gospels which it expands with legendary and imaginative elements, which are sometimes puerile or fantastic. The birth, education, and marriage of the Blessed Virgin are described in the first eleven chapters and these are the source of various traditions current among the faithful. They are of value in indicating the veneration paid to Mary at a very early age.
Though it doesn't carry the weight or authority of books in the Biblical canon, it's part of Sacred Tradition and you can read it here: