St. Bruno of Segni was born in Italy around 1048. His path to religious life started with his early education at a Benedictine monastery in his home town, and saw him serve as a papal advisor to four successive popes. He defended the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, helped the popes enact ecclesiastical reform, and denounced the appointment of bishops by lay emperors as heretical. He then served as Bishop of Segni for 22 years, and rather than accept the cardinalate, at age 54 he became a Benedictine monk and was elected abbot 5 years later. In retribution for writing a letter of censure to the pope for yeilding to civil authorities, the pope forced his return to Segni where he zealously led his diocese until his death at age 75.
St. Bruno of Segni lived both the active life of a bishop, and the contemplative life of a monk. Though he always desired the contemplative life, he still performed the active life with enthusiasm. In one of his many commentaries he used the story of Mary and Martha to compare these two lives. Today, read Luke 10:38-42, then read his commentary on that passage:
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