Born around the year 660, St. Mildred's father ruled a kingdom in central England. When she was very young, her mother sent her to Chelles in France to be educated at an abbey along with other English nobles. While she was there, a young nobleman who was related to the abbess made an offer of marriage to Mildred. She refused, and the abbess tried to persuade and then threaten Mildred to accept the offer. Midred replied that she was sent to the abbey to be taught, not married. Mildred fled the abbey, returned home, and joined her mother at the Benedictine monastery she founded after being widowed. Mildred rose to be abbess of the community where she taught kindness, love, and patience by her own example.
St. Mildred of Thanet was remembered and venerated for her kindness toward the poor and social outcasts. Too often, elderly members of our society are treated as social outcasts. The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm are committed to caring for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of the elderly in almost two dozen locations. Visit today and see how you can help them in their mission.
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